The influence of Africa on the cultures of the world is far reaching. The rich traditions of the people who form the African Diaspora in the Americas along with those who voluntarily migrated to places like the UK, Italy, France, Spain, Germany, and Saudi Arabia provide us with amazing cultural heritage experiences.
Descendants of people who originated from the continent of Africa are part of communities all over the world that collectively form the African Diaspora. Between the 16th and 19th centuries, millions of African were shipped to the Americas and enslaved. Learn about the the origins of the Top 10 African People whose descendants now form the African Diaspora.
Historic Palace of the Fon of Bafut
Modern day Lagos, Nigeria. Home to the successful Nollywood film industry.
The beauty of architecture in Dakar.
Many Gullah People living along the Sea Islands of South Carolina and Georgia can trace their ancestry back to Sierra Leone
Modern Luanda, Angola. Many Afro-Brazilians descend from the enslaved brought from Angola.
Homeland in Africa. Entrance to Callejon de Hammel in Havana
Casa de Africa Musuem in Havana
Oyotunji Yoruba African Kingdom in South Carolina